We all remember the Bee Gees’ song from the 1970’s movie Saturday Night Fever. Who knew the phrase would have so much meaning almost 40 years later? I certainly didn’t. Fever was now something to be feared. As I have aged another year and have more gray hair to prove it, I find my body feeling older each day. 57 wasn’t that hard of a pill to swallow. However, the stress of the pandemic certainly added more than one year for most people emotionally. We learned new ways to shop, to mask and to love. Hugs were no longer allowed unless someone was in your “bubble.”
To vax or not to vax, that is the question
Then came the question of vaccine or no vaccine. I became a doctor long before I became a psychotherapist. I am not afraid of needles at all, but this was a new vaccine unlike any other. BUT COVID-19 was also a virus unlike any other before it. I was lucky in that being on the medical staff of a local hospital gave me the opportunity for vaccination back in February .There is no doubt in my mind getting vaccinated was the right decision for me. I will always support my patients decisions on what they feel is right for them. Sometimes that can be hard because I have to leave my own bias’s and opinions out of the therapy room. I can’t say I haven’t made that mistake in the past. I am far more conscious of how important it is to let my patient decide what is right for her.
I hope you Dance
I hope you all have remained healthy and safe. I am personally feeling very hopeful now that the numbers have dropped again. If you have a fever may it be caused by dancing to some good old music!