I have been treating a lot of patient anxiety in my practice since the outcome of the November election. We live in a “blue state.” My patient’s wonder how one administration could have won the electoral college when the popular vote was so close? They felt so sure everything would be “OK.” What happened? It is no surprise that my patients who reside here, with a governor who has vowed to protect them, worry about what a new administration will do. They worry about reproductive rights. They worry about their education or their children’s education and how they will pay for it if and when the Department of Education is eliminated? I wish I could say nothing was going to change, but I can’t. I do not believe things will be as grim as they think, but it is understandable why they feel afraid.
Don’t Panic
As much as I believe the cabinet picks very much resemble a new season of the Apprentice, I know the plans of the new administration are designed to make people very afraid. I have to support my patients and work through the anxiety. The anxiety feels real but likely not based in reality. Something has been triggered deep inside them. Their insecurities are back.
Get involved
I tell my patients who feel anxious to avoid being passive and get involved. Midterms are two short years away. Theres a lot to do and look forward to. I encourage my patients to move from feeling helpless to empowered. Getting involved even at a local level politically can feel like we are doing something. Joining a group that supports them and their political views can feel comforting. Join in locally by sitting on a town or city committee.
Stay away from the News
The news is nothing more than click bait. They want us to be afraid so they broadcast the most sensational headlines. I limit myself to the first 20 minutes of a particular news show. I find the host well informed and not attempting to fuel anxiety. It’s also OK to unplug from social media entirely. Don’t argue with people who don’t share your belief system. It will go absolutely nowhere. Also, if some friends only want to talk politics, limit your time around them.
This too shall pass
We will survive this and as we all know history will repeat itself and balance will be restored.