No Suprises
Patient Protections Against Surprise Billing
Dr. Madeline Goodman does not engage in balance billing. In other words, if your services are covered by your insurance, we accept what your insurer pays us, i.e. the “allowed amount”; we don’t bill you to make up the difference between that and the actual billed amount. You will still be responsible for any co-pays, co-insurance, or amounts that are applied to your deductible as spelled out by your insurance contract.
Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills
Good Faith Estimates
If you will not be using insurance to pay for services, you will be provided with a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) form prior to or at the beginning of our work together. Payment will be collected at the time of services through Venmo @MadelineGoodmanDO or through the Simple Practice Telehealth Portal which can accept debit and credit card payments.