In Psychiatric practice, the patient is always right

I have been in private practice now since 2008. I had a practice prior to becoming a parent from 1998 until 2004. I worked for healthcare organizations during my years away from private practice.  Over the years, I have come to know that my true love lies in private practice. It is because I can deliver the type of patient care that I think is medically necessary or appropriate for the presenting problem. 

Maine, the way life should be

 I live in Maine. One of the most notable companies in Maine is L.L. Bean. Their policy has always been “the customer is always right.” In private practice, “the patient is always right.”  There are exceptions of course to any situation, but in general I must acknowledge my patient’s feelings.  If my patient brings something to me about how they felt about an interaction in a session, I  have to acknowledge that they are right. Their feelings are valid 100% of time. A lot can be learned from these sessions where they felt I had hurt them or made a mistake. It gives me another opportunity to open the door into psyche. Because we are all wounded so differently, I have no idea what can cause such a reaction until it happens.   If I said something that wounded my patient, it is 100% my fault.  I have to see my part in what happened and learn from it.   

Corrective emotional experiences

So once we determine something felt bad for my patient,  is has to be  dealt with in that session.  It may require more than one session.  Sometimes it can take months to get past.   The first order of business  for me is a Mea Culpa. This is by definition an acknowledgement of one’s fault in a situation. Next we have to peel back the layers of how we got to this place. Where has my patient felt this pain before? Was it with their mother? Their father? Both? It is my job to help make this better.  My hope is by working this through I can offer my patient a better emotional experience than they had growing up.  I must  help my patient learn that it doesn’t have to end the same way it did when they were a child,  rendering them feeling powerless.  We hopefully can move past the hurt.  Sometimes we can’t and unfortunately therapy may come to an abrupt end.  


The picture at the top of this post is from my recent trip to Venice, Italy. I took this after sunset  from a water taxi on my ride back to the train station.  I would say Venice is the “city of love.”  Our patients need emotional love from us.  That means understanding their deepest pain and acknowledging when we have hurt them.

Ciao for now. 

Post Election Anxiety

I have been treating a lot of patient anxiety in my practice since the outcome of the November election. We live in a “blue state.”  My patient’s wonder how one administration could have won the electoral college when the popular vote was so close?  They felt so sure everything would be “OK.”  What happened?   It is no surprise that my patients who reside here, with a governor who has vowed to protect them,  worry about what a new administration will do. They worry about reproductive rights. They worry about their education or their children’s education and how they will pay for it if  and when the Department of Education is eliminated? I wish I could say nothing was going to change,  but I can’t. I do not believe things will be as grim as they think, but it is understandable why they feel afraid.

Don’t Panic

As much as I believe the cabinet picks very much resemble a new season of the Apprentice, I know the plans of the new administration are designed to make people very afraid.   I have to support my patients and work through the anxiety. The anxiety feels real but likely not based in reality.  Something has been triggered deep inside them.  Their insecurities are back.

Get involved

I tell my patients  who feel anxious to avoid being passive and  get involved.  Midterms are two short years away.  Theres a lot to do and look forward to.   I encourage my patients to move from feeling helpless to empowered. Getting involved even at a local level  politically can feel like we are doing something. Joining a group that supports them and their political views can feel comforting.     Join in locally by sitting on a town or city committee. 

Stay away from the News

The news is nothing more than click bait. They want us to be afraid so they broadcast the most sensational headlines. I limit myself to the first 20 minutes of a particular news show. I find the host well  informed and not attempting to fuel anxiety. It’s also OK to unplug from social media entirely.  Don’t argue with people who don’t share your belief system. It will go absolutely nowhere. Also,  if some friends only want to talk politics, limit your time around them.

This too shall pass

We will survive this and as we all know history will repeat itself and balance  will be restored.

Florida Bound; Expanding Telehealth Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Starting soon, hopefully in about 30 days, I will be expanding my Telehealth psychotherapy practice to the state of Florida. This will allow me to reach more new patients as well as those I see now who travel to the sunshine state. It is required by law that I am licensed in some states where I provide Telehealth. I decided that Florida would be the best place to expand my current practice.

Why Florida, you ask?

Florida seemed like the right starting place for me to expand my practice.  I have had several snowbirds in past years in my practice. Plus Florida is home to many older people and I find myself enjoying working with people transitioning into the autumn’s of their lives.  I also love working with my patients setting out on their early life voyages. I am looking forward  to the autumn of my practice life but know I still have many beach days left in me!

When Food is the Enemy

When did food become our enemy

I see women in my practice every week who suffer from eating disorders (ED).   I never used to see men with  ED but that has changed. Still, the incidence is much less frequent than with women and, when it does present, it is often much less severe in nature. I used to see it more in gay men but now I see it far more in heterosexual men.  I also encounter it  more often as a condition on the disordered eating spectrum with most men regardless of sexual orientation,  rather than a full blown ED. 

In medical school I recall how many of the women I knew who would food restrict. I only knew of one male who would food restrict.   I actually got very thin myself, but quickly realized I needed food to stay awake most nights on call.

What’s on the menu?

It feels like we don’t know how to eat anymore. There is Keto this, low carb that, low fat vs clean eating. In the end we are at war with our bodies and food has become the enemy. When and why did food become a moral issue? I hear my patients say they were “so bad” because they had an extra piece of pie at a holiday dinner. It’s hard to imagine a world where we would accept the bodies we have rather than the bodies we wish we had. What will this imagined body bring us? Will it provide the elusive happiness we have been searching for?

Exercise is Healthy, right?

One of the latest eating disorders that has fallen on the more acceptable realm is ” Exercise Induced Bulemia.” Make no mistake it is still a compensatory way to maintain a lower body weight, but somehow it became socially acceptable to run, cycle or attend workouts at gyms that burn many calories. I frequently see women trying to keep up with their male partners. Sometimes it is the only way to spend significant time with them especially if they too have body image issues. Granted we are a more sedentary culture, but this is beyond going for the evening walk to move those stiff muscles at the end of the day.

Novel concept: eat when hungry

I am unsure of how to win this war on our bodies and the war on food. If my patient hates her body, I will ask her what about it she hates. She will usually say her double chin or her belly that hangs too low. What ever the “perceived defect” is, it likely originates from a place of self hatred. I listen and reflect back the negative and harsh feeling she feels at liberty to use against herself. Sometimes patients leave quickly if I won’t join them in this ritual of self hatred. Hopefully they stay and we can keep going deeper to understand this vicious attack on the self.

Earl Grey Tea

I find myself wanting things that are predictable. Earl Grey tea is something I can count on. It tastes the same every time. It’s easily recognizable. I don’t have to guess as to what flavor the tea is. As a new psychotherapist I found it very hard sometimes to figure out what my patients were trying to tell me. Sometimes I felt completely lost. However, after I graduated from my Psychiatry residency over 22 years ago, I was fortunate enough to meet a Jungian psychoanalyst along they way.   I began my  work with him individually about ten years ago and still work with him today.  He taught me there was a way to recognize things.  To listen more deeply.  He gave me a knowledge that nobody else had offered me in the past. I drank it down like a good cup of tea.   Once I realized what I hadn’t been doing,  it made my work so much easier. I began to listen for things I have never listened for before. I guess it’s similar to also recognizing a flavor of tea.

Relying on science isn’t useful in psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is not like working in a hard science. It’s about emotions, feelings and experiences. Sometimes we feel the emotions in our bodies. Psychotherapy can be very painful. It is not my job to cheerlead my patients. I can’t come up with solutions to make them want to feel better. That would be me being uncomfortable with watching their pain.  It is my job to listen and try to understand how they feel. I don’t have fancy scans or blood tests to figure out what’s going on.  Instead, I have my listening skills. I rely on past feelings. If my patient tells me he feels like a failure again, I pay attention to when we have talked about this before and  ask him what it feels like to feel like a failure. We learn from his feelings. We learn from his experiences.

Psychotherapy is not like a friendship

I don’t pretend to be an expert in psychotherapy, but have enhanced my skillset over the years.   Sometimes people believe psychotherapy is like talking to “a friend.” Unfortunately, that is a way to devalue the experience of psychotherapy.  Hopefully,  by the end of therapy, we have learned what we need to learn. We might learn that we  really don’t want to change. Or we might come to know that “we are the enemy.” Whatever it is, my job is to walk alongside my patients and to accept whatever it is they feel they want and  need.


Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy?

Not a quick fix. Abstract LSD capsule pills with bottle. Drugs narcotic concept. Capsule pharmacy bottle pill drug concept.

This year the field of psychiatry has seen psychedelic  assisted psychotherapy research explode. I am  personally  a bit concerned about it. My greatest concern is that patients will be once again looking for a quick fix. This will also do nothing more but excite the insurance companies. They would like us to quickly fix our patients. Will this give them one more reason? This also begs the question as to whether or not we actually “fix our patients?”

Trauma, not the Reader’s Digest version

Trauma happens mostly over a long period of time. It’s not usually the one time awful thing that happens to someone. It’s usually cumulative in nature. That is why it is so hard to rid oneself of trauma.  Dealing with trauma takes a long time.  It is not something we can rush through.  Rushing through trauma can have deleterious effects and cause issues such as regression and increased depression and anxiety.   It is my job to be patient. As I have said before, treatment takes as long as it takes.

Will this become the New SSRI?

Recently on a listserv I frequent, with other Psychiatrists, there was a lively discussion about psychedelic assisted psychotherapy. The actual drug being discussed was Ketamine. There were Psychiatrists with strong opinions on both sides of the issue. One Psychiatrist who has been a round a long time mentioned this was tried before with LSD.    He was right, and it caused “psychosis”  and other undesirable outcomes.  A concern is this will become the new norm.  Similarly ,  when the SSRI’s hit the market. , they quickly became one of the most prescribed drug classes.  Another  concern is the cost to patients.  The therapy is not currently covered by insurance and  even if some of it is, the reimbursement is  a fraction of what the actual cost will be.

Staying the course

I am not sure if this will ultimately get FDA approval, but I know it is not something I will be doing in my practice.   Currently a very low prescriber of medication in general.,   I still believe in psychotherapy. Medication is certainly of value in some instances, but I will stay the course for what I believe works best over time.  


We all remember the Bee Gees’ song from the 1970’s movie Saturday Night Fever. Who knew the phrase would have so much meaning almost 40 years later? I certainly didn’t. Fever was now something to be feared. As I have aged another year and have more gray hair to prove it, I find my body feeling older each day. 57 wasn’t that hard of a pill to swallow. However, the stress of the pandemic certainly added more than one year for most people emotionally. We learned new ways to shop, to mask and to love. Hugs were no longer allowed unless someone was in your “bubble.”

To vax or not to vax, that is the question

Then came the question of vaccine or no vaccine. I became a doctor long before I became a psychotherapist. I am not afraid of needles at all, but this was a new vaccine unlike any other. BUT COVID-19 was also a virus unlike any other before it. I was lucky in that being on the medical staff of a local hospital gave me the opportunity for vaccination back in February .There is no doubt in my mind getting vaccinated was the right decision for me. I will always support my patients decisions on what they feel is right for them. Sometimes that can be hard because I have to leave my own bias’s and opinions out of the therapy room. I can’t say I haven’t made that mistake in the past. I am far more conscious of how important it is to let my patient decide what is right for her.

I hope you Dance

I hope you all have remained healthy and safe. I  am personally feeling very hopeful  now that the numbers have dropped again.  If you have a fever may it be caused by dancing to some good old music!

Time to Face the Change

I have decided to make some changes to my practice. I am no longer accepting new medication management patients. This means seeing myself as a psychotherapist. I worked hard to become a doctor and letting go of that identity isn’t easy for me. Of course I am still a doctor, but I will  be practicing  very little Psychiatry now. I used to think primary care wasn’t the place for psychotropic medication prescribing, but I now see it as the right place. Many primary practices are moving toward a model of Integrated Behavioral Healthcare. This model is supposed to help de-stigmatize patients seeking mental health services. I think it may help with that. I think where it makes the most sense is for someone who strictly wants medication management. I know there is a place for Psychiatry and when I went into this field 27 years ago I had planned to do psychotherapy and medication management.

Finding Eros

As I have reflected on the direction my professional life should go, it has become clear to me my true passion lies in practicing psychotherapy. Someone might say it is where my eros lies.  It is a  question I frequently ask my patients. What is their eros?  Eros was the Greek God of love  and sexual desire.  I see eros as that intense feeling of desire.  It can be in the form of making music, cooking good food  or writing. It is crucial that we have it.  Finding eros can bring change.   As we all know change can sometime bring on anxiety. It can also be marked with astounding beauty.


I Missed Again

Sometimes I can miss things my patient is trying to tell me. I know I can’t be perfect but I do get upset with myself when I felt I may have missed something important in my patient’s session. I generally will feel uneasy after the session ends which is a signal to me that something didn’t feel quite right. I have to watch my own anxiety that wants to make it better quickly. Therapists are not perfect either. We do our bests but contrary to what our patients may think we are not immortal and we make mistakes.

I’m all Ears

I have been trained to listen with a “third” ear. It is my job to connect what my patient is telling me during those precious 50 minutes. Sometimes because I am tired or maybe not wanting to see something in one of my patients I may miss it. I don’t stop thinking about my patient until she comes back for her next weekly session. Sometimes something will gnaw at me. I will do some writing about it to see if something comes. Sometimes I might have a dream. Or something I read triggers me to think about the session again. If I am really struck by something I might bring it to supervision. Supervision is what we therapist use to discuss cases that bring us difficulty. I don’t usually use supervision for cases I am doing well with. It helps to have an objective ear listening with me as well. Part of residency training is weekly supervision. I have found it helpful throughout my career.

The Clue Phone is Ringing

If my patient becomes emotional during a session or their body has a sensation they bring up it can help guide us. But sometimes they have neither experience. I work hard to bring a session’s ideas together but even sometimes I cannot. Luckily if it is left unresolved my patient will bring it up again. Sometimes it takes more than one or two sessions for me to make the connection to what is going on. Maybe a similar dream gets brought up at the next few sessions or more symptoms of anxiety are developing around a certain issue in my patient’s life. Whatever it may be it is my job to listen and be aware something is not yet conscious or resolved. Sometimes patients will avoid going deeper so they might keep the conversations light. I also have to use that as a signal something is being avoided.

Weekly is the right dose

Whatever is going on between my patient and myself will hopefully get resolved. This is why anything other than weekly psychotherapy doesn’t work when the inner emotional work needs to get done.  I continue to pay attention when a session doesn’t feel right to me. I also have to consider it is my own feeling and that it needs addressing, but usually it is what has gone on (or not) in the session that signals me to listen up.


My New Blue Door

Yesterday I finally painted my office front door a vibrant blue. It had been the black I painted it a few years ago because I thought that went better with the yellow siding. I think my contractor had suggested it and I went along with it thinking he knew better than me about what I wanted. I have never liked the black but it was “ok.” I discussed colors with my teenage son who has a very good eye for this and we decided on Benjamin Moore’s Pacific Palisades Blue. I didn’t realize it at the time we picked but I needed a change that this door would come to symbolize. Without getting into details I knew that something needed to shift inside of me. That I needed to start seeing myself differently in order to move on from something. In essence I had been stuck in one facet of my life. Yes, even us immortal therapists struggle with being stuck sometimes. I needed a new door to open and I had to have the courage to walk through it. So I did. It was quite liberating and freeing. It feels great!

Stuck feels like a four letter word

Frequently I deal with my patients who are stuck. Sometimes, but rarely it unsticks quickly. Other times it can go on for a very long time. I find it mostly in the stories they have told themselves. It usually involves their self worth. That my patient  believes she deserves far less than than she does. That she must settle for crumbs. I can’t tell her she deserves more and expect she will instantly  believe it. She must do the inner work and determine this for herself. I do of course tell her that she deserves everything she wants. It will require going deep inside to figure out why she doesn’t believe this in the first place. It can be a long and painful process, but the only way through it is through it.

It takes as long as it takes!

Sometimes it can take years to get unstuck and walk through the a new door. It can be terrifying.  We can imagine all kinds of bad things happening.  So rather than risk it we stay stuck.  Getting unstuck can be a lengthy process. The insurance companies would have us believing it’s a matter of weeks , maybe a few months to unstick. I don’t agree. I also know   it doesn’t matter how long it takes. In my supervision with a Jungian analyst I used to wonder how long it would take my patient to become unstuck? This particular supervisor always said “it takes as long as it takes”! He was so right. I must be patient with my patient and stick with her through her difficulties imagining a different life for herself. One where she has what she wants instead of struggling to have it. One that lets her walk through the new door and into the life she deserves. My job is to simply walk along side her while she is finding that door.

What new door do you imagine opening for yourself? What in your self proclaimed story needs to change?

Happy Thanksgiving!